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Ann Briggs

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Everything posted by Ann Briggs

  1. Thank you so much for the responses, they are really helpful. ( tried to answer each of you individually, but couldn’t figure out how) I will definitely look into getting compensatory services and request needs be met in his current classroom if possible
  2. My 2nd grader in inclusion class was diagnosed with autism, adhd and receptive-expressive language disorder in kindergarten (private neuropsych eval). He was classified Autism and OHI, but denied speech and language services because school eval showed average scores. Last year, first grade, I brought in a comprehensive language and literacy eval that again diagnosed language disorder, as well as specific reading disability and disorder of written expression. The school again did their own test and determined no language or learning disability. They gave him 30 mins a week of speech and language services in a group , I believe to keep me quiet. By the end of last year it was clear to me that he was falling behind academically. I ask for an IEE and got another neuropsychological eval done in October. Results show receptive-expressed language disorder and learning disabilities in reading, writing and math. Test scores from school have him at kindergarten level in math and reading. He seems completely lost, classroom observation shows him not engaging in any of the work, he’s having meltdowns every time I try to do homework with him. IEP meeting is on Wednesday. Neuropsychologist is reviewing evaluation with the team. She seems to be suggesting that he be placed in a self- contained classroom. I’m so angry with the school for not acknowledging his language impairment and trying very hard to keep my emotions in check. Wanted to put this out here to get some feedback, especially on the prospect of going from inclusion to self contained. This all feels like a huge setback
  3. Thank you for your input. I actually received a signed contract from the LEA the day after I posted this
  4. I requested an IEE in May and was approved. Received, signed and sent the NOREP 3 days later. Also provided the name of the neuropsychologist I chose, who is also a licensed school psychologist (should be no issues with credentials and this provider did a previous, well-received evaluation on my grandson) A week later I scheduled an evaluation with my chosen provider and asked them to draw up a contract for the school district. The LEA has not yet responded to or signed the contract. Did I jump the gun? Was I supposed to wait for approval? Or is this just because it’s summer and people not available to respond to emails?
  5. Thank you! I did feel that it would be best to wait. Thanks for confirming that for me. I have all the information and provider picked out for the IEE. Even have a date scheduled for the fall. Will be getting this neuropsych even if the district won’t pay
  6. I’m planning on asking my school district for an IEE. I have the letter written out, but not yet sent. I also have an upcoming IEP meeting in 2 weeks to ask for additional goals and support to be added to my grandson’s BIP. My question is, should I wait to send the request for an IEE until after the IEP meeting? I’m concerned that sending it now could negatively impact how they respond to my requests for additional behavior support
  7. Are you working with your school nurse? The nurse should be completing the IHP if medical documentation has been provided
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