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Conni W

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  1. He eats with his hands and often chokes or vomits due to the speed he shovels it in. We would love for this to be a goal/objective related to life skills. Thanks for the idea!!!
  2. Just finished an IEP for grandson who is on the autism spectrum, very involved, no speech (2 words not easily understood), not bathroom ready, lots of repetitive movements. One the call we requested that they address his eating habits at school because we did at home...teaching him to not shred everything and use fork and spoon. They told us that eating was not an education related need, I explained that it was all connected to his sensory issues which they were addressing in other areas. I suggested I could send them some information on eating, sensory integration, and education and that I would send them some sample goals and objectives. The OT burst out laughing! I will proceed anyway. Frustrating lack of respect, even if they disagreed or I was totally wrong.
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