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  1. No he has a 1-1. These things happened with the 1-1. I had told them specifically about him eating nonfood items in his previous evaluation. They refused to address it- wouldn’t put it in the IEP because the adults at school weren’t seeing yet. Therefore in our district where kids change schools every 2 years, no one was looking out for this behavior. Kids told on him and then the principal told the nurse not to call poison control. I asked for a meeting to discuss these things and something else. The school decided this was going to be his annual meeting even though it wasn’t time for an annual. Wasn’t real happy about listening to my safety concerns. There was a bathroom incident as well. So the last meeting it became more about what we need to be doing at home and I just don’t know that I’m real comfortable meeting alone with them anymore. His wraparound BCBA did mention Lisa as an advocate. Is there advocate website to find advocates? I don’t even know how the whole process works and I feel like I’m up against a clock now.
  2. How do you find an advocate for the IEP process? We are already in the process for a re-evaluation so I do not have a lot of time. He has had an IEP since he started school for IEP for autism and language processing. This year there has been some safety issues at school (things they were aware of but never shared with this building staff) and now with a whole new IEP team and me not just letting things go, the last meeting really sounded like a lot of blame on me for the issues he had at school. Because of this, I am really uncomfortable going into future meetings alone. But I am not really sure where to start. I am in Chester County.
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