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Everything posted by ShannonK

  1. Thank you, I will revise my parents concerns letter. I always ask that it be included in its entirety in the IEP. We did agree to do a complete evaluation to see where his needs are. We will meet again when those are done. Thank you for the advice.
  2. Hello everyone, I am new here, so I apologize if this is not in the correct forum. I requested an IEP meeting in writing with the reasons why I wanted to meet.The IEP meeting was Scheduled for Jan.3, 2023. I didn’t receive a notice of meeting but I wasn’t concerned due to the holiday break. I attend this meeting which included the IEP team to discuss the struggles my son is having academically. This meeting got really bad, really fast! We agreed to reconvene at a later date. I requested that the superintendent and director of special education also attend. We reconvene in a “staffing”meeting on Jan. 11, 2023 with the team and the administration that I requested. This meeting went much better, however they informed me that the meeting on Jan. 3rd was a staffing meeting and not an IEP meeting. Which walked all over our procedural rights. In the first meeting , there was no notice of meeting, they didn’t consider any of the input I gave, no PWN plus several other things. I have reached out to administration to resolve this but have not heard back yet. Any suggestions how to handle this? Thank you in advance for any help.
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