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  1. My 8 y.o. dtr has autism, severe anxiety (especially exasperated by school), and is being monitored for possible inattentive adhd due to concentration and attention deficits. She is a master masker and internalizes a lot at school to keep herself together. Early intervention since she was 2 helped her grow so much, but it makes for a bigger struggle at school because she overcame many challenges or at least has learned how to manage some, though it's still a struggle. She just had her 3 year reevaluation and the school wants to revoke her IEP and provide a 504 plan. I feel like it's because they are tired of hearing from me asking for help. Her therapist and I were both lead to believe that the autism diagnosis alone should permit her to obtain an IEP with recent changes to the IDEA act. Do certain diagnoses guarantee an IEP when requested, or can they actually revoke the current IEP? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
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