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Everything posted by LisaS

  1. Hello! I am seeking an attorney or advocate in Pennsylvania to help us address discipline issues. I’m looking for advice in dealing with a school and possibly representation in dealing with the school. I’m not looking for free advice but someone who I can pay to consult on our options in this situation. thank you Lisa Scheid
  2. We are in Pennsylvania and our school said they would ask the district to come to a transitional IEP meeting. I don’t know what they will say and that is in May. so it sounds like - worst case scenario they will reevaluate and he is back at square one. He has an FBA, too.
  3. My son is graduating fron8th grade at a charter and will go to 9th grade in home district. is the new school obligated to follow his IEP? What are its legal obligations? What usually happens? we have a number of accommodations to help him self regulate and support him with executive function i know this switch will be overwhelming and am worried it will lead to behavior problems
  4. I think there may be a change in level but also he’s masking. I don’t think the concept of masking is understood by his teachers.
  5. I think the school is outsourcing the evaluation. I will ask. It was on a list of tests in the notice they are asking me to sign
  6. As part of my son’s three-year evaluation (and just before high school next year) his school is proposing reevaluating autism using GARS. I asked them to use ADOS because that was what was used to initially diagnose. I was told the point of reevaluating autism is to see how he “changed over time.” My underlying concern is that his homeroom teacher really does not understand autism and thinks my son is not “really autistic.” This results in harsher treatment for behavior and not enough support for behavior. I’m also concerned about further discussion of levels of autism because our understanding of autism spectrum is not linear, which is what mainstream educators see it as. Any insight on reevaluating autism in 8th grade would be appreciated
  7. I just wanted to share that for the last year or so my son has attended his IEP meetings. yesterday my son (14, 8th grade) had an encounter with a new para who watched him take out his cell phone (essentially a iPod because it is my old phone and no cell number).We have it spelled out in the IEP that he uses music to self regulate. At one point when the school decided to ban phones they offered that he could use a school laptop to listen to music - which was cumbersome and not useful in all situations. With some push back from us He was able to keep the device. He knew the para was watching him, which is something that makes him uncomfortable and frustrated because he rightly worries that he is getting singled out for being in trouble. The para confronted him about not putting it in the “ cell phone box” as kids are supposed to. As if he was sneakily breaking rules. He said,” Have you read my IEP?” by his account, the para looked surprised and walked away. so much is wrong with what happened by my son did the right thing and I’m proud of him
  8. Thank you. He doesn’t want to be in this situation and tries his best.
  9. Hi, My son was being interrogated by the school Dean (disciplinarian) and he repeatedly asked for me to be called. He refused to talk at first but the man told my autistic (and demand avoidant) “you aren’t in control here.” First, the school official and a recess teacher didn’t follow my son’s behavior plan IEP. But can they deny him contact with me in a stressful situation. That is not in the IEP. Thank you for any help. I find the forums really helpful.
  10. my son is autistic and adhd. He has become dysregulated in stressful situations. What is stressful for him is not for other students. He makes noises or comments not related to the class when he experiences stress or anxiety. In his IEP, we have steps to help him regulate and to express himself.
  11. In my son’s charter school a revised parent guide lists emotional dysregulation as a behavior as level 1 offense. It’s just crazy. It is becoming clear to me they are trying to use a new school wide discipline system in lieu of special education and behavior interventions. I have begun advocating against this because that is just wrong. He has one more year there before high school. It may be revised yet before school starts. this maybe the wrong place to post but if you have supporting sources or further reading I’d appreciate.
  12. The school said An Armstrong student is just a category of students who have a disability such as autism, and we have to determine ESY eligibility by February 28th. last year they determined he didn’t need extended school year and this year he’s doing even better academically. i feel there’s an ulterior motive
  13. My son’s school (a charter) just asked to move his annual IEP meeting from the end of the year to later this month because he moved up to a more advanced ELA class and is “an Armstrong student” I will ask the school but would like to hear from experts here, too.
  14. My autistic and adhd son punched another student at recess today. The other student stepped on his hand by accident. My son was immediately sorry and expressed it to the other boy and told the teachers what had happened. The boy, by my son’s description, is a really nice kid he did not want to hurt. the school called and said the other boy is fine and they were proud of my son for expressing regret etc. my son told me that he was in a bad mood, annoyed by certain other kids, which he said led to his lack of control. the school spent a whole period talking to him about something he admitted was wrong but what he really needs is ways to handle being irritated and control his impulses or avoid stressful situations. So, I want the school to help him think through: like if two of the four kids playing four square are whiney and annoying ( to him subjectively) - what choices does he have? honestly, that’s tough for any 13 year old. he told his OT that it happened because he was autistic and she said it didn’t. I’m going to wait until tonight and then possibly email my concerns and suggestions to his special Ed teacher mostly to get them on record. Are there IEP goals for impulse control?
  15. My son was “written up” today by a para. I’m not clear on what will happen from the write up after it is sent home but it is a process not in his IEP. Last year I thought we had settled that outbursts were mostly due to anxiety and specific environment in certain classes. He had been working on self regulation by leaving the class when his frustration built up. They suggested a step plan in his IEP ( designed by a para who went to training for it), which this year is being interpreted to mean a teacher sends him out of the class to “take a break” - this is frustrating to him because he feels powerless. They also prescribe how many laps around the building he can take. But they aren’t even following that set up and no one has explained how it all works to the students. He sees teachers taking notes on him and has no idea why. He’s asked why. He has had recess time taken away by the gym teacher. Taking away recess goes against school policy. He had the ELA teacher send him out of class and when he tried to return she prevented him. She said it was because she had to explain to him why he was sent out. I have documented this in emails to the school. i just want to add that he’s a sweet kid who responds best to respect, positive reinforcement and encouragement not punitive measures. What is my next best step and are there any PA advocates on this forum?
  16. New to forums here so please bear with me if I did this wrong. My son’s Pa charter school just lost its third head of special education in five years. She was my favorite. My question is: now what? If the position is vacant who is supposed to oversee IEP meetings and such? also: what should I be worried about or keeping an eye out for in this period without leadership? My son is 13 and in 7th grade and he has one year left at this school.
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