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Ashley Reneau

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  1. Thank you for your response. We have a meeting next month so I will definitely look into the goals to revamp the IEP. He unfortunately missed a lot of school from being sick last year and the school used that for their denial. They indicated because of the amount of school missed they did not have enough data to show regression. We definitely need to add behavior goals as he has been refusing to stay in his seat this year. The speech therapist at the school declined AAC and stated the goal is for him to talk. We are revisiting that next month and requesting AAC.
  2. My nephew is in Kindergarten this year and was evaluated for his IEP in preschool. He is autistic and nonverbal. I fought last year for ESY and was denied because they did not see regression. Long story short I fought with them because regression is not the only factor in Ohio. My question is what are some measurable goals to show proof he has regression (since that is what they are going with). It was his first IEP so it’s a very blanket IEP.
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