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Everything posted by Kmoon

  1. Hello! It’s been a month already since my 9 year old child has started school. My child has a learning disability, AdHd, and Autism. He is in a general ed classroom and receives speech and spends 30 minutes every morning in the Resource room. He has had a hard time with his homework. His teacher gives him about 2 english pages and 2 pages of math homework. In addition to that, he has to read about 20 minutes daily and answer reading prompts. That’s just too much for my child. It’s a daily struggle to tackle the homework. We’re up to the point where my child has begun pulling his hair. By the way I just learned that if any child in the classroom doesn’t do their homework then the children loose their recess time. Today I raised my concern to his 3rd grade teacher and asked him if he has read my child’s IEP. He blatantly told me, “I never read any IEPs. I first get the feel of the student and see if he has anything.” I was flabbergasted by his response. I immediately informed him about my son’s learning disability. He then had the audacity to tell me that maybe I should speak to the special ed teacher, so I can have my child move into his class. I was so distraught to hear that my child’s teacher doesn’t care about my child’s needs. Please help me! What can I do on this situation. I know for a fact that I need to speak to the IEP coordinator at my child’s school. Thank you for your help!
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