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Andrea S

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  1. My son(5th gr) is in the Life Skills class at his middle school. He has escalations/ outbursts at least 2-4 times a day with most of them ending in being taken to the “blue”(padded) room. He has been considered a harm to himself and to others. Has been sent to the nurse on at least 3 occasions for concussion checks.. one was so bad that the nurse called me to come get him to take him to the Dr. for clearance. at the last IEP I asked that an FBA be conducted and they said we should “wait and see” and that they were already doing they’re own Behavior Plan. We have a IEP mtg to go over what they have put together /collected right before Christmas break. Along with OT sensory eval, and AAC/ AT eval. the teacher put in her resignation and her last day is Friday. She let me know she is leaving in large part due to her teaching values not lining up with the Schools administrations’. She was constantly shot down whenever she asked about having a 1:1 for him or for looking into a different placement. They always told her not an option. my ultimate question is.. why would they be digging their hills in so bad but at the same time doing all this “behavior plan / data collection” nonsense. Why wouldn’t they just do an FBA to begin with? They have a district BCBA on staff. Any and all advice welcome. thanks so much!
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