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Linda Usita

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  1. My 16yo daughter was diagnosed with Emotional Disability with low scores in Reading and Math. This is her second year in SpEd and is in the GenEd classes. I homechooled her prior to being in public school. She has IEP goals for math and reading, but nothing for Emotional Disability. Her teachers all say that she is fine in their classes and do not show any social behaviors. She was also diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, depression, OCD, and conduct disorder. Shouldn't there be an Executive Functioning goal for Emotional Disability? She's always late for school in the morning (because she doesn't like school), very rarely do and turn in assignments on time. Her grades are average. I think she has dysregulated in Sense of timing, Planning, Pacing, Execution. How do I convince the team to include Executive Functioning goals? EF is a buzz word in our small island. I doubt that there are staff and resources to teach Executive Functioning. Would appreciate your advice and guidance.
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