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  1. Thank you so much for your reply. It has been an issue longer than the 3 weeks, I’m just obtaining better proof since the meeting. I will send an email with that verbage. I thought I could handle meetings myself, but at what point am I actually hurting my child’s education by not finding an advocate or lawyer? We are a kinda rural, (at least an hour from major city) so I don’t know how many/how experienced those professionals in our area would be.
  2. Help! I’m not sure how to proceed. I’ve gone up the chain, last meeting was with director of sped 3 weeks ago. I asked for written documentation of minutes in OT, writing, reading, and math intervention. I feel like staff is being told not to do it. I only get a quick initial on days it’s done on child’s behavior daily home sheet. We had the annual IEP meeting day before that meeting to revise goals and accommodations for middle school for next year. Of the 3 weeks since my meeting, my child hasn’t had a single week with all required minutes due to lack of subs, etc.
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