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  1. In Pennsylvania. My daughter had a credit recovery course this summer for Geometry. This was not ESY, this was credit recovery. She failed the credit recovery also. For a little background, this was her second credit recovery course she has had to take for a core subject (last year it was Biology and she scraped by with the lowest D). What are some things suggested to: one, have her retake this course again to understand and pass. Can I request it has to be in-person and not online ?(online is the only option for credit recovery in our district) And two, I would like to have her re-evaluated before her three years is due (spring 2025). What should I ask for in her evaluations for math? She already has a SLD for reading and found to have extremely low working memory, (which I do think contributes to all of this, but not everything ). I am looking to ask for the re-evaluation now so the request can be there as soon as possible at first day of school (8/22). Also thinking of asking for an IEE, just not sure if I'm willing to fight that so much if it's rejected. Thank you,
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