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  1. Hello, my son’s IEP is coming up in less than two weeks. Unfortunately my support person/advocate will not make it to the meeting due to my son getting sick and the original iep meeting date getting pushed back by the school. I don’t want to push the meeting even further back by changing the date again, which is another 3 weeks from then. We are doing this iep process because my son struggles with delays in development and mild autism. His struggles to complete his work within the given timeframe in class, although he is intelligent. According to the OT a part of the problem is praxis, the ability to organize and execute what he needs to do in the classroom. He struggles with this greatly at home as well. In addition, he struggles with sensory and anxiety. He does a ton of masking at school and then falls apart at home. Most recently they had a short holiday parade at school and while most kids were having fun waving and blowing kisses to the parents in the audience, he was covering his ears from the loud music and visibly uncomfortable/upset. What kind of accommodations could I ask for? Especially, when it comes to the sensory/anxiety aspect. The school is more focused on getting him academic support which is good but I also want to also get him social/sensory support. I feel like a support person would be helpful on days where things are out of the normal routine or when he is feeling overwhelmed, but I don’t know how realistic of a request that is. The teacher in my opinion seems a bit oblivious to this type of child’s needs. Thank you
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