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Carlos Guerra

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  1. Hello my friends I am Carlos Guerra, and i am the proud parent of a student at Manor Senior High School. Not so long ago, a wonderful boy by the name of Darrin Loving, a special needs student who was nonverbal, was killing in a horrific attack just a few weeks ago. He was the target of bullies, who lured him into a bathroom, then stabbed him cruelly with a kitchen knife. The poor boy managed to make it out into the lunchroom, where he bled out, and all the other kids took videos and circulated them around on the social medias. And this is not the first time. My child is in phys ed at MSHS--his coaches don't take the IEPs or 504s seriously. I have spoke to one of the coaches, and he flat out told me they don't read them. THe principal Jessika Hearne plays favorites at school. She protects the bullies, and when they are sent to the office they are given candy. And they continue to bully my child and another special needs kids. A girl even committed suicide due to this. And before this, the dept of education investigated manor isd for discriminating against special ed students. I'm so scared for my child. I don't know how to transfer out of the isd we live in, and I can't pay for a church school. I would like the manor administration to be removed and put in place new people who actually care, but besides starting a petition I don't know what to do. https://chng.it/Ydh9PfBGDT https://www.kxan.com/news/local/manor/dept-of-education-investigating-manor-isd-special-education-complaint/
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