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  1. Yes I did provide the district with the eval and I was told they still want to do an additional evaluation.
  2. The neuropsychologist said Autism was primary but he wanted to make sure the district knew he was high functioning that’s why he put Asperger’s in parentheses. The district uses their own school psychologist and told me for them to change the diagnosis he needs to be reevaluated. I don’t want to put him through that again it was very taxing and he was very frustrated when he came home. How can I get them to change the diagnosis without their evaluation?
  3. Hi all! My son had an evaluation at school he was diagnosed with ED, OHI. I didn’t think the diagnosis was correct so I took him to see a neuropsychologist that diagnosed him with Autism(specifically Asperger Syndrome), anxiety and ADHD. The school district states he needs a new evaluation from them to change the diagnosis. I don’t want him to be reevaluated by the school because he is able to mask his symptoms quite well and quite frankly they have failed him many times. I am in Pennsylvania if that helps. I would think the credentials of a neuropsychologist would trump a school psychologist but the school thinks differently. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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