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  1. Hello. My 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 18 months ago. She has experienced level 7 thru 9 pain until we finally enrolled her in online school. With a very structured schedule, her pain is down to a 3/4 most days. We are currently trying to to get her screen for Special Education services (IEP). The school has been most reluctant as she is very smart and can get reasonably good grades while only attending school 2 or so days a week. But attending her current high school of 3000 kids is just too much for her physically (she also experiences pain fog, anxiety, depression). I am looking for research or other information specifically focused on pain chronic illness that limits a student ability to attend school. She is miserable and lonely at home. She wants to be in school. I am looking for any ideas/cases/ research that might help us figure out what to do next. She is going to be screened for a disability but they have already said she won't qualify. Our other problem is the online learning program where we are stinks. No instruction, teachers don't respond to questions, etc. she also has no access to any higher level courses, etc. just very basics. She has a 504 but the accomodations just aren't enough. So looking for any help or suggestions to get her through the next two years but with options to attend college if she chooses too. Thanks... I hope this was an ok question to ask. My husband was a Special Ed teacher for 20 years and even he is stumped where to go with this.
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