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  1. hello at the end of last school year my daughter was approved for a 40 day extended evaluation. over the summer i signed off on sending her info to 4 "local" collaborative programs our district is part of. i heard from 2 and toured them. one of them was over 30 minutes from my house and they spent 20 minutes with me and was like "there's the parking lot bye!" The one 2 miles from my house spent an hour and a half with me and went over a lot of stuff with me. In the meantime the farther away one "accepted" my daughter and notified my school district. I replied to my contact at my home school district and asked about the two i hadnt heard from, expressing there was one i wanted to hear from, i said I was not interested in the farther away one because the program at the one 2 miles from my house was comparable and my daughter doesnt do well in the car so I had no plans on sending her there. She has a very long history of school refusal and missed pretty much most of 5th grade and was homebound. There is no planet on which my daughter will be ready to walk into a school building next week when school starts. I understand i have only been offered an extended evaluation and not a placement but i told my contact at the school district my goal is to have the evaluation at a place she will most likely stay (i understand this has to be determined by the evaluation). I have documented where they have said our local middle school cannot support her. I emailed the third one today (that we hadnt heard from yet) and set up a virtual meeting with them and I for friday. At the same time they (the third place) must have also gotten back to my home school district. My contact in my home school district just emailed me saying they were forwarding me the paperwork to send her to the farther away one that accepted her and since they have appropriate programming there was no point in delaying starting to have her do a shadow day at the other two programs (what those programs suggested). Please also note our district was dinged by the state for taking too long to complete extended evals so i assume they are just trying to get me off their checklist but i am livid. Am i correct in assuming that similar to out of district placement they dont get to decide? that i have input into this? i do not want to send my school refusal child through one transition to do a 40 day eval to then send her to school somewhere else. i understand that wherever she does the eval may say they cannot support her but given the tours i did and the info i was given about the programs these programs seem very appropriate for her so i imagine if there is space for her in one of these schools the eval will find that the collaborative schools can support her. the school doesnt get to decide this right? i have a mountain of proof on my side that this needs to be done slowly and cautiously at my daughter's speed and drs who will sign whatever paperwork i need to prove this. does the district get in trouble if she doesnt have a placement when school starts next week? (i dont care even a tiny bit im just trying to make sense of this rush) thank you
  2. hello my daughter is having a fantastic year after a complete horror show dumpster fire last year. and of course we just learned the teacher is pregnant and will be going out on maternity leave in February. i feel like ive read in previous posts regular subs (ie for the day) dont really have access to IEPs because of privacy issues but may get a heads up from a teacher on strategies that work or whatever. for a long term sub (6 weeks) what do they get for IEP kids? my daughter had a terrible year last year because they were honestly just kind of mean. there was a lot of "you're in 3rd grade now you should know how to do that" (to a disabled child with a mile long IEP). this resulted is a ton of school refusal and missed days. she's in a new building this year and the 4th and 5th grade building has been WONDERFULLY supportive but now Im terrified whatever warm body they get as a sub (because let's face it given the staffing crisis it may be just a literal warm body) will be not so great. what can i do ahead of time to make sure the sub is on the right wavelength (im not talking about in terms of whom they hire as i know i have no say in that). in theory i would think the teacher would leave behind notes but the teacher though very kind seems massively checked out this year. my daughter is autistic with a PDA profile and tons of underlying anxiety so reacting to her in the wrong way or trying to lay down the law with her does.not.work. and little things can set her off into refusal mode but she also can't communicate what they are so i want to be proactive rather than reactive. there's a lot of high needs kids in this class with IEPs and i feel like the boat that is floating nicely along right now is going to be massively rocked. there is a classroom aide who apparently is very nice who i imagine will stay the same and my daughter gets pullout with the SPED teacher who is fabulous 2x a day and that wont change so at least that will help. my daughter, though autistic, usually does fine with subs even though it's a change, and i believe they are being told next week so they'll have plenty of prep before she leaves so that part itself doesnt worry me. it's more how the sub will be. (can you tell i have my own control issues). for 6 weeks how much access will they have to individual IEPs? because that's 6 weeks of teaching not just covering a sick day. i also know that is a TON of stuff for someone to be dumped into. they group the IEP kids into 3 classrooms here for staffing and pullout ease to coordinate logistics so my daughter's class is heavy on IEP kids so that's a sub who may just be a warm body getting 17 new students and 5-7ish of them with high needs and IEPs. that's a lot to digest and im not sure what they are even given access to. thank you!
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