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  1. Looks like yes. They said they are moving her because keeping her there would mean she will be the only third grader. Later she said the class is full that is another reason they are moving her. But I don’t want to move her.
  2. In California can a district change the school site without parent consent. We finished our annual iep end of march. My child school remained same for the coming school year. It’s a k-3 structure learning class. We received a letter a week ago stating that my child is assigned to a different school site. There was no further explanation. I had disagreements before finalizing the previous iep. We had to complain about the program manager as she was rude and disrespectful towards us. I am worried about this letter. My child teacher is great and this school site she made great progress. Please help with any suggestions.
  3. Hello, I would like to check if anyone every requested for monthly updates from service providers like speech and OT? I did last year. I was actively involved in the IEP process, asking questions and discuss. Soon after I received an email from administrator that they are asking me and all the IEP team to copy all the members any time they communicate to us. This all makes me feel if I did something wrong by asking them to provide regular updates and by asking questions.
  4. Thank you so much. I would read about the compensatory education. about talking to the teacher, she asked me to email her for meeting request, I did. And she responded copying the admin and rep, that what are my specific concerns and that she and the admin can look over their schedules and let us know or I can email her my concerns for a quicker response.
  5. My apologies, I meant “stay put “. Her IEP was in stay put.
  6. Thank you for your response. Yes the meeting started in September 29th, they we had continuum on November 9th December 1st, January 31st, February 14th. Then we were scheduled for March 7th and it was canceled due to speech therapist having emergency and it was rescheduled for March 20th. She didn’t show up in that meeting too and we had it another speech therapist. We finalized it and I still have to sign in. She did receive services in stay out and not the proposed goals and services. Yes they do require parents agreeing before placing new IEP. yes she is a great teacher. I will try to communicate. It’s not that emails are restrictive but it came after certain situation. And her communication seems so limited that was not the case earlier. I feel like very pressured in communicating with any of the IEP members personally. Initially the program manager asked me to copy whole team each time I have any questions with any member of the IEP team. I refused to do so.
  7. Hello, I need and appreciate help with two of my concerns: 1. we had been having a difficult time with the district to finalize the annual IEP. Mainly because they were not giving us sufficient time to finish and we ended up having 6 IEP starting September. We finished finally. I would appreciate if someone can help me if we can request compensatory education request. I know they are not obligated, however my child lost almost whole school year without working on the new goals. They told me they would like to hear what I am looking for. They also said that even if it took 6 months, it’s mainly because they didn’t have signed IEP and my child was receiving the services in stay put. 2. The teacher has been a great support for my child and us and she usually help us with everything. However, coming from a non English speaking background some of the questions I asked twice. She responded and when I asked again she copied all IEP members and at the end said she would like all correspondence only in email moving forward. She may send announcements pictures etc in communicating app but only use email to respond Any questions. I am okay with it but because it came after a certain incident I am little worried and feel restricted. Additionally the app communication is easy for quick access. Is it normal? sorry for the long post.
  8. Hello, My apologies, I did not get notification that my question have been answered. We had her first annual IEP on September 29th 2022. My child moved from county to district last year. The first meeting they did not agree to approve my request of speech services. I made that request last year. They don’t refuse it but also not approved it. I requested PWN and they said they are not refusing it. Then we met again in November, December and then again in January. Before I post this message asking for help. As always we couldn’t finish the discussion and ended having another date as February 14th. We have so much to talk that we could. Not reach on services. their initial reasoning was my daughter doesn’t need individual because her goals are social and then they switched the statement by saying well her needs have changed. She had her assessment last year through county and after that her placement was changed to district. The district did not do any assessment. she has IEP since she was three years old. She just turned 8. We liked her teacher as she really work hard for her. I do not feel my daughter need AAC support. She was assessed for that and they didn’t recommend that either. She has visual support. She is pretty good and telling most of her needs. However she does have behaviors at home like screaming etc. the school don’t see them at all. Her main struggles are functional communication and when she is stressed overwhelmed or having challenges then Instead of communicating she screams. She also have sensory issues. She gets two push in session and one consult collaboration per month.
  9. Hello, my child is 8 years old. She is a gestalt learner. She is verbal but Has a significant functional communication speech delay. For example after saying hi she can’t continue a conversation with an adult or her peers. We have to prompt her to say hi. She struggles in expressing what she feels specially emotional needs. She can’t describe things. Ex of you ask: tell me about mom. Of what’s your favorite food. She does tell about her needs like if she wants iPad pillows or sleep. Sometimes if she wants to go somewhere. You ask what is this , she will tell. she gets 20 minutes of speech therapy twice a week , one in group and the other one individual. I feel she needs more of individual speech in order to make progress on her language part. The school is saying she only needs group. It’s been 4 months and we are no where. I genuinely wanted to know what kind of services are more beneficial for a gestalt learner? thank you
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