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Everything posted by Sharon

  1. The school missed the required triennial eval date. No RR has been given to the parent. It was started but never finished. The parent just realized. Will she be able to get an IEE? Not sure how they can defend no RR in a hearing.
  2. What happened at your meeting? It seems like they think IEPs are only for academic needs. She needs to have goals for her OT and PT. She should also be getting social skills and speech. She qualifies under ASD. They stated she has been diagnosed on their own 504.
  3. Sharon

    OT Evaluation

    Maybe tell them you spoke to the DOE and quote the regulation they spoke about. And then file a complaint so they don’t do it to another parent.
  4. This is the best parental concern letter I’ve ever seen! They are bringing in the supervisor because you have pointed out that they are breaking the law-they are denying him FAPE. They are violating FAPE in so many ways. He’s not in the Least Restrictive Environment LRE. His IEP is not written to address needs. Did they actually evaluate him when he started school? Because that must have been incomprehensible and inappropriate. He’s not receiving the same education as his non disabled peers. You very eloquently and unknowingly accused them of violating FAPE which is the biggest no-no. In short, you scared the $&@“ out of them. Bravo!
  5. I would suggest pressing the school for an outside OT eval instead of waiting for them to hire one. They said hire? Why can’t they just sub-contract for one eval?
  6. Have you thought about asking for an IEE?
  7. Just curious, were you ok with the iep ending? Did they push her out?
  8. Parents could also get assistance by putting “parent training” scenarios in the IEP.
  9. I am offering advocacy services for Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. I specialize in Learning Differences, IEPs and parent supports. COPAA Member & PEAC Parent Consultant Sharon Marzocco Special Education Advocate Smarzocco@verizon.net
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