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Advocate Needed in VA

Jen T

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Hi, sorry if not doing this right. I am in desperate need of an advocate in VA. About the 2nd week of school my son was dismissed from his theraputic private school. I was actually happy about this as he was not happy there. He was there 3 years and his anxiety only got worse. After a long search we found the perfect school. It's small, has maximum 16 students which currently not that many enrolled, maybe 10 students currently, has a liscenced therapist on staff where students get group and individual therapy weekly and family therapy monthly. My son started last week. He had a rough start but started to settle in. My son 14yo, has multiple disabilities including Autism, anxiety, expressive language disorder and many others. I discussed with the director last week what she thought about about a 1:1 for my child as he gets extremely overwhelmed with new accademic work but works well when he has someone that can work with him. As he had previously been in an an Autism school where the ratio was 6:5. She said it sounded great. This past Mon my husband forgot to give my child his medication before he left for school. He was fine on the ride to school on van. But after arriving he started to rip up his daily paper. The teacher asked him what was wrong but he shut down. So the director came to talk to him. Things quickly escalated to him knocking over chairs and desks and throwing a chair. figuring out how to unlock front door and walking outside and tried to elope towards main road, which is a very busy road. School has been awesome trying to remain hands of as student has been traumatized from being restrained at previous school. Because of significant behavior private school is considering dismissing my child. I'd really like them to give him another chance as this behavior was only due to him not having his medication this day. Any suggestions or thoughts? Public school refuses to try him back in public school setting even with a 1:1 aide. He has severe anxiety and no self confidence that has gotten worse the past 3 years 

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