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Hey there--

I just wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of this.

I have already sent out a few emails letting you know that registration for my online advocacy training will be open next week.

I am offering a special discount to two groups of people who have been supporters--those of you who purchased an IEP toolkit, and those of you who are early adopters of my discussion forums.

I will only send out 1-2 more emails about this, so don't delay. Or delete!

This weekend only: Use code THANKYOU2022 to get $44 off the training.

This code will only work through Sunday, November 20 at midnight. 

Thanks for being a supporter!

And yes, you can share this code with a friend.

Is my online training for parents, or advocates?


Short answer: BOTH

If you want to be an awesome IEP advocate, you need to master the IEP process.

Mastery isn’t as hard as it sounds.

Mastery=Tactics + Tools/Knowledge + Strategies

Don’t IEP Alone will give you this, and so much more.


Hiring an advocate is expensive. Many charge $50-$200 per hour and more. For the same price as what you would pay an Advocate for just a few hours, you will have a lifetime of advocacy skills. Don't IEP Alone Academy is $297 for lifetime access.

I get lots of questions as we do registration, so here are some answers.

What can you expect from Don't IEP Alone Academy?

Don't IEP Alone Academy will walk you through my proven process for addressing IEP concerns. It will show you how to avoid the most common mistakes parents make when trying to resolve these problems and instead show you how to be heard and get results.

The curriculum is extremely comprehensive, and over the course of 7 lessons, it will literally walk you through the exact process and framework that I use for all of my 1:1 advocacy clients. My framework fits within the defined IEP process in IDEA and state regs. (and we talk about those a lot too!)


Don't IEP Alone Academy is 4 courses in one Academy--

  • Special Education Advocacy-7 recorded sessions plus weekly live chats
  • Professional Advocacy-14 recorded sessions so far, plus weekly live chats
  • Deep Dives into IEP Topics-36 recorded sessions so far, new one is added each week
  • New for 2022-a course dedicated to learning how to lobby your legislators (3 sessions)

You have access to these pieces of training, live or recorded, for a lifetime. Including all the printable materials.


Don't IEP Alone is $297. This is a one-time fee, and you will have lifetime access to all of the content. When life gets in the way...take a step back. We'll be here waiting for when you're ready to return.

Most Special Education Advocates charge $50-$100 per hour and more. For what you'd pay an Advocate for an hour or two of work, you will have a lifetime membership to my library of training and resources.

Do I need to be struggling with my IEP right now to benefit from this training?

No. Even if things are going well for you now, these are strategies you can implement now to prevent future issues.

Don't IEP Alone is for anyone who is a parent with an IEP and wants real solutions for addressing their concerns and being heard. It’s for anyone who has been gaslighted at IEP meetings, or repeatedly told "No" or "Let's wait and see."

My 4-step process works on any IEP concern, large or small.

Before enrolling in Don't IEP Alone Academy you should already have a child with an IEP, or be trying to obtain one.


If you parent a child with an IEP, then this is for you.

Friends, caregivers, grandparents, Godparents...you're all encouraged to take the course so you can be a support person for the one(s) you love.

If you wish to become a professional advocate, this is for you. If you already are a professional advocate, this is for you (I have heard from many working advocates that the live weekly chats are invaluable!)


Yes, but know that there is no licensure or certification with this program. But, there is a separate section just for professional advocates, or those who wish to be.

Don't IEP Alone is fantastic for those who wish to become advocates. Other places charge $1100-$2000 for their training. That can be daunting when trying to launch a new business.


In Don't IEP Alone Academy, you'll learn:

  • How to do an IEP Records Review
  • How to develop an action plan for your Annual IEP Meeting.
  • How to be prepared with data for your asks.
  • How to Effectively Use your Parental Rights
  • Have a 4-step formula for every IEP issue or concern.
  • How to Be a Better Advocate for your child.
  • Too much to list on one page!


Many training agencies just take you through IDEA and other laws, pointing out a few things here and there. I'm turning the advocacy process upside-down--we're taking an advocate's approach and working within the framework of IDEA. Memorizing the laws isn't helpful. Having an action plan to implement, that follows the laws--that's helpful. 

Many of the Deep Dives go over relevant laws.

Please note: I am not a lawyer and do not play one on the internet. I will be teaching IEP advocacy skills only. Not to be construed as legal advice.

Hope to see you there!

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