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ReEvaluation (RR) Report & Timeline question

Teresa A

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I received my son's RR report from the school psychologist on Friday, April 7th (school holiday).  We had tentatively scheduled an IEP meeting for April 17th, thinking the RR would be complete prior; however, we just received it on the 7th.  Shouldn't the next meeting be with the IEP team to review the RR with the whole team?  The school psychologist called me today to review the RR, but it shouldn't it be presented to the entire IEP team before revising and reviewing the IEP within 30 days of the completed RR.  Is there a link that says the RR should be reviewed with the entire team?  I don't see it within the procedural safeguards or on PaTTan's website.    I did not sign the 10-day waiver either, so I have 10 days between when I receive the RR and when the school presents its new IEP.  

https://www.pattan.net/CMSPages/GetAmazonFile.aspx?path=~\pattan\media\publications\2019 accessible pdfs\reeval-narrative-6-19-wba.pdf&hash=bde451a888d7bcf30a161db35fbe395f310e1591b8013b44634e5f45a54dd13e&ext=.pdf


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It looks like the first paragraph under the "Reevaluation Process" section near the beginning of the document you linked, states that the IEP team reviews existing data - "including the parent and a school psychologist...This review does not require permission from the parent nor is a meeting required. (“The group may conduct its review without a meeting.” §300.305 (b)). However, the parent must be included in the review."

Did you & the psychologist determine that any additional data is needed?

P.3 of the document you linked addresses PA's deadlines for the RR and development of the new IEP.

The IDEA lists required participants on an IEP team at https://sites.ed.gov/idea/regs/b/d/300.321. Hope this helps.

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I agree, I don't think the IEP team is required by law to meet and discuss the RR however the parent and psychologist can meet and discuss which we did.  I also found this link which implies that the LEA and Team try and consolidate the meetings as much as possible https://sites.ed.gov/idea/regs/b/d/300.324/a/5   - so I think that's the answer and I'll have to request to push back our IEP meeting.  Thanks so much for the response.

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My school district goes over the RR and then transitions into an IEP meeting.  It's one big, long meeting - same people needed for both so that's what they do.  Look at the Invite.  It will probably say that the RR will be reviewed and the IEP updated.

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