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Notice for IEP meetings


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Help! School just emailed me an hour ago. It’s Friday afternoon and they want to have an IEP meeting this Tuesday morning. I’m a SAHM and I can not find childcare that quickly and my husband cannot even get off work that quickly. I’ve been searching for federal or PA law about how much notice school has to give us — because this quick turn-around does not feel right — but I can’t seem to find anything except “some states say 10 days” for notice of an IEP meeting. But I don’t know if PA is included in that. Can someone help me find the law or regulation that states this  so I can get them to reschedule so my husband and I can both be in attendance?  Also, do I need to give them a reason why this date/time won’t work if there is no law/reg. Thank you!

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Some states define it, some do not. Usually, the default is then "reasonable." I would say 2 business days is not reasonable. 

Tell them you can't, and offer some days that you can.


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