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Autism reevaluation


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As part of my son’s three-year evaluation (and just before high school next year) his school is proposing reevaluating autism using GARS.

I asked them to use ADOS because that was what was used to initially diagnose.

I was told the point of reevaluating autism is to see how he “changed over time.”

My underlying concern is that his homeroom teacher really does not understand autism and thinks my son is not “really autistic.” This results in harsher treatment for behavior and not enough support for behavior.

I’m also concerned about further discussion of levels of autism because our understanding of autism spectrum is not linear, which is what mainstream educators see it as.

Any insight on reevaluating autism in 8th grade would be appreciated 


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Does the person doing the current reeval have experience w/ the ADOS?  If they don't, the results won't be accurate & you don't want it done by them.  I'd ask which teachers will be doing the GARS.  The homeroom teacher might be one of 3.

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I'm also wondering why they are redoing an autism eval.  Isn't it a life-long disability?  Has there been improvement where the level changed?

Teacher training can be an IEP service.  An autism inservice for this teacher would benefit your child & others like him.

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So you're saying his teachers need training in how kids with autism mask & it's exhausting for them to keep it up the whole day at school.  I'm hoping he's got a medical ASD diagnosis in case the school says he doesn't qualify under ASD on his IEP.

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