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Physical Education Accommodation



Question about supports/accommodations during PE. My daughter has chronic back pain from multiple medical conditions and is experiencing significant back pain during PE. She does have an IEP for academic, social/emotional and, she does have a medical plan for other medical needs, but not for this specific aspect. However, her provider signed a medical certificate of chronic medical needs stating she had a tethered spinal cord, which this is related to.

Any ideas what I should be proposing or working with her team on as far as alternates during the PE time? Her pain has gotten really bad the last 2 weeks, so I have her sitting in the nurse office, which isn't an ideal long term solution.

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If she has pain and cannot participate with PE, she should be excused.  With other IEP needs, the time can be used to remediate her other disabilities so she's not missing instruction to be working on social/emotional or academic needs.  APE might be an option but I feel a teacher is not equipped to work with a student with the pain she has.  It could cause a situation where what they ask her to do causes more  pain.

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