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  1. Also request the IEE at the same time you send written communication about the missed eval. The school had its chance.
    1 point
  2. I think the parent training on some time-keeping skills is the best way to go. It sounds like the team is doing the other pre-reminders and reminders already.
    1 point
  3. First, let me preface that this is not legal advise, as we do not give legal advise on this site. The IDEA does not say anything specific about being late to meetings (to my knowledge), but it does speak to parents not making themselves available for or replying to attempts to schedule meetings. At some point the school has to move on and just make sure all attempts to schedule the meeting have been sufficient and documented. I would say being significantly late to meetings would fall under this provision. However, the ADA might apply here requiring accommodations for dad's disability. But it sounds like you are doing everything you can. Can you talk to the dad about this issue? Ask him what the best way to get him there on time would be? Ask if he has someone who can assist him? If he is not working, he might be getting assistance from a government agency - not just financial, but also daily living. Could they help? Do they make sure he gets to doctors' or other appointments on time? Who is making sure the student gets to appointments on time, because it sounds like he wouldn't be able to. Can that person/aide help? I personally think booking longer timeslots would be an unnecessary burden on the school.
    1 point
  4. When the breaking of school rules happen, it's generally followed by the school following discipline guidelines which can include expulsion/a switch to alt ed (since school is mandated). The only exception to this is when the rules were broken due to a manifestation of a disability or the school not following interventions to prevent behavior in the IEP. The change of placement of a student with an IEP is required to be a team decision. In other words, you need an IEP meeting to move a special ed student to an alt ed school. If your child doesn't have an IEP, you can request a special ed evaluation to see if they qualify. If the school says they don't qualify, you can request an IEE at school expense. Lisa has info on MDRs on her website: https://adayinourshoes.com/manifestation-determination-hearing/ I've seen where an academic issue wasn't supported and the student had behaviors so you might want to look beyone the behavor to what's the root cause.
    1 point
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