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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Thank you for your clear and helpful reply to my plea for help earlier today, Paulette. I greatly appreciate it!
    1 point
  2. The difference between an IEP & a 504 is special instruction. Does your child need special instruction to keep up with learning grade level standards? If this is needed, an IEP is needed. If they will do OK with accommodations, then a 504 is needed. There are gen ed services called RTI or MTSS that provide a lower level of support w/o the need to have an IEP. Is this what your child gets in math & ELA or are these services via the IEP? If they are gen ed services, the can & should continue. Read through the current IEP to see what the services are that go with the IEP. What's not mentioned on the IEP is gen ed that can continue. ADHD generally gets the OHI box checked. You don't mention what box is currently checked on the IEP. If your child is young, it might be the DD box. Know that if 504 supports aren't enough, you can ask for a sp ed eval and start the IEP process over. Often, in MS, when a student goes from 3 to 8 teachers, EF issues tend to crop up and students w/ ADHD might need to get IEP services.
    1 point
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