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  1. A very common modification is for the disabled student not to have to spend more than 1 and 1/2 times on homework that her non-disabled peers spend. So ask the principal what a "normal" amount of time is for homework in 10th grade. Then to get to the reduced amount, put in a modification along the lines that you suggested - only do even or odd numbers. Another way to word it is that "once mastery is shown," do not require additional problems. So on concepts that the does grasp, let her move on without doing busy work so she can spend more time on the concepts she doesn't understand. Finally, you could also consider asking for modifications to the curriculum in math. Is she really going to need all that she's being taught in math for her future that it's worth the stress it puts on her? Schools are very resistant to changing the curriculum to something like "functional math," but some experts are championing for this for disabled students. I'm not saying that your daughter can't learn the concepts, but rather are they worth learning.
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