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  1. Yes, to receive special instruction - which is what the class you requested falls under if it is a sp ed class - your child would need to have an IEP (a 504 might also be something that could get your child into this class but it's the school's decision). As far as outside tutoring for dyslexia (not sure if this is what you're looking for) The Scottish Rite provides free services. There are also homeschool programs that cost less than an hour of a sp ed attorney's time. Executive functioning is hard to teach. You end up explicitly teaching each skill - how to organize homework, how to organize time to do homework, how to remember to bring homework to class A, B, C... (prompting for this is a good accommodation), how to bring what's needed home so you have what's needed to do homework - you get the picture with teaching each skill. With an IEP meeting, it's always good to summarize what was gone over & email the summary: During the meeting on 4/8, I had asked how the school would address the executive functioning issues that are causing homework not to be handed in so my child can get credit for work done. Mrs. XX said that the school will not be doing that. ... Please confirm that this is correct. https://adayinourshoes.com/after-iep-meeting/
    1 point
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