Honestly, having been through something similar myself, I'm of the mindset to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. I'd send in her personal iPad and ask them to use it until they can go through the proper channels to get her a school device and app. My son's school gave him AT that was inappropriate for years before I finally went out and had an independent evaluation done for a speech device. I sent it to school and told them I'd support them in anyway I could for them to use it but that I wasn't going another year without my son being able to access the curriculum and quite frankly, his voice.
If they disagree or give you push back I'd ask what they are doing right now to give your daughter access to the curriculum. Are they scribing her work? Allowing her to type? Does she know how to type? If not, are they teaching her? While these could could all be appropriate short term accommodations, it's better to find a way that she can do things herself independently if she has the ability.