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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2023 in all areas

  1. If she's "failing every class" because she can't keep up with the reading (regardless of what grade level she reads at) due to her disability, the school HAS to put in accommodations to help her access the general curriculum. Period. It doesn't even have to say in the accommodation what it's for. So they don't HAVE to put anything in the IEP about reading. If she can't access the general education due to her disability and the school doesn't provide accommodations to help her access it, it's discrimination. Throw that word around and maybe it will get their attention. You may need to request an IEE that shows the academic impact of her ADHD (how her inability to focus on reading affects her education).
    1 point
  2. Just because she CAN read at grade level, doesn't mean she IS reading in an efficient way to keep up with the curriculum. She may not need specialized instruction in reading, but it sounds like she does need goals on staying focused, as well as accommodations to help with her "attention challenges" (is there a diagnosis of ADHD?). For instance, would having someone read the material to her help her stay focused? Would test-to-speech or audio textbooks help? Focus on the attention disability and not the reading per se. Then develop goals and accommodations around that.
    1 point
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