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  1. A test is supposed to help the teacher. The teacher is supposed to see if there is an item or items that were missed by several students. If that’s the case, then the teacher needs to reteach the material covered in the question(s). Maybe, it needs to be presented to the IEP Committee, not in the IEP, that if other students are failing then the material needs to be retaught to everyone who didn’t pass the test. Then, everyone needs to be tested again. The teacher(s) can test over the same material but with a different test. The same thing is true for assignments. If a lot of people are failing assignments and assessments, the problem isn’t the students or your child’s IEP.
    1 point
  2. I'd like to see some research that shows that consequences teaches better behavior - especially when you're 5 and have an IEP. I had read about a teacher who didn't do the required traffic light chart in their classroom. Rather than a child moving their clip from green to yellow, they discussed what a better approach would be for next time. The teacher ended up with better behaved students. I've also seen where school districts have eliminated suspension in grades K-2. I think Philly did this - except for things like weapons & drugs that there are state & federal laws about consequences. I am for children learning to improve, to develop skills on how to deal with frustration and 'using their words' rather than misbehaving. I don't feel that consequences teach that. (It can with some children but not every child.)
    1 point
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