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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2023 in all areas

  1. And if they refuse to do an evaluation, ask for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE).
    1 point
  2. I am a mother of 2 who is on her third career. My first career was speech pathology. I worked for eight years in the public schools as a speech therapist where I specialized in serving children with moderate to severe disabilities. In this role I had the opportunity to explain test results, write goals, lead IEP meetings, and collaborate with school personnel. My second career was/is being a mom. I loved working in schools, and I always intended to go back to work in the school setting, but when my youngest was diagnosed with autism, my life took a detour. A wonderful, eye-opening detour. I had lots of professional experience working with children like mine, so I knew. I knew what quality services should look like, and I knew how to work the special education system to get the services my child needed. I quickly learned how blessed I was to have all that knowledge and how many families needed it. Hence, my third career as an advocate. I want to take all the skills I learned as a parent and as a professional in special education and use them to help you. 256-652-0800 roundtableadvocacy@gmail.com roundtableadvocacy.com
    1 point
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