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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2023 in all areas

  1. I'd recommend asking for a short IEP team meeting addressing this concern so you can talk with all the teachers, explain your concerns, hear theirs, and see what could be done. If not all those teachers would be required to attend the IEP meeting, maybe ask to speak with each teacher individually so you can better understand their position, and see how you could create something that would work for all the staff and your child. If the staff and you can come to an agreement without an IEP meeting, you could always do a no-meet IEP amendment.
    1 point
  2. School attendance laws vary a lot from state to state. I would see if this is OK per you state's laws. I'm in PA and I know the school nurse can excuse an absence if a student is sick. If they do end up suspending your child, I would want Monday to count toward the suspension. I would ask the school to document what they said during the call since a phone call isn't tangible proof the school said for him to stay home & the absence will be excused. This can be done with an email: Dear School- I'm looking to confirm the call from (school administrator) that I received on Tuesday requesting that I keep my son, XX, home on Monday, 11/27, so the school can investigate a fight of some sort that happened on Tuesday. I was told this will an excused absence but I thought that could only happen for medical reasons. I don't want keeping him home like (school administrator) requested to turn into a truancy issue since I only have a call as proof that the absence will be excused. If I have understood things correctly, there is no need to reply to this email. Thank you, There is a saying in schools: If it's not in writing, it didn't happen. This email puts things into writing.
    1 point
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