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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2024 in all areas

  1. So, it seems (if I got this right) that your son's IEP wasn't followed & he ended up at (A) because of the agression he developed w/o the right support. While at (A), he was traumatized because he was attacked by a classmate. He sometimes does OK at (A) and other times, it's a trigger for him. I'm not sure if this is the building triggering him or a lack of support or possibly his classmate that's the trigger. My feeling is this really needs to be figured out so that 'his needs' can be addressed. You can't address a need if you haven't pinpointed what that need is. You seem to want to avoid (A) because of the director there and you feel it will not be a place where your child is supported. You also say they don't seem to have academic rigor if he's taking 2 hour naps. I'm also reading that the school wants to use old evals to base placement where you feel present levels changed since then. My gut says he needs a new school eval to figure out what's going on. He's on meds (that keep changing). His antecedent to being aggressive is unknown. Until you and the school are on the same page with his present levels, needs, triggers and what's going to help him, you are going to go in circles. Keep in mind that schools only 'consider' (not follow) outside evals - the one from Nystrom and Associates is an outside eval. Have you shared this eval with the school? A doctor's note is also treated like an outside eval. If they offer to redo evals - sign permission for that. If he's not getting homebound services, I would think they would set him up with virtual, online classes so he can get an education.
    1 point
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