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  1. CSE seems to be a NY thing. I (and Google) didn't see this associated with any other state. I'm not familiar with what the position entails. To answer your question. If I was looking to evaluate a student and knowing that IDEA is looking for students to be assessed in all areas of suspected disability, I'd look at the school records & put on my detective hat. If I saw low math grades, I'd suspect a math disability. If I saw many referrals for behavior, I'd suspect a behavior disability. This would be the guide to use for whomever was coming up with the disabilities I'd suspect in a student and the direction for a triennial evaluation to head in. I'm not sure if this is normal or not but it is not a conflict of interest to review records in order to plan what's needed to go forward. Also, in very small school districts you'll find that one admin will wear many hats.
    1 point
  2. I have never encountered a Committee for Special Education (I assume that's what CSE stands for?). But I don't see how there is a conflict of interest problem. When doing the evaluation, she must abide by the standards of her school phycologist role. Are you thinking the committee will have ulterior motives in terms of placement or other things that would create a conflict of interest? Unfortunately, I don't think you can assume that right off the bat and will have wait until you have some type of proof that her dual role is biasing her evaluation.
    1 point
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