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  1. CA - IEP is on Thursday. The team proposes a new behavior goal (no BIP or behavior assessment has been completed outside of teacher observation) for "anger/frustration tolerance". It is always very clear why he is frustrated/angry. Baseline is: "when modeled by teacher or adult, (son) can use appropriate words to express himself when he is upset and frustrated or interacting with a peer/adult that is appropriate 5 out of 5 days of the week as measured by teacher observation." The proposed goal is: son "will use appropriate words to express himself with no more than 1 teacher prompt when he is upset and frustrated or interacting with a peer/adult that is appropriate for 4 out of 5 days of the week as measured by teacher observation." To me, this goal makes zero sense. I suppose the intent is to get to the point where he is managing his frustration and anger without teacher prompting, but this goal doesn't seem like it adequately addresses the intent. (To be clear, he will sometimes script annoying things and may cry in frustration, but he is not saying/doing things that are aggressive to others.) How should behavior goals be rewritten to allow for better support? I do have a great rapport with the case manager, and she will likely make any changes I request, but I don't know how to best phrase something like this. As a gen ed teacher myself, I've never seen goals like these benefit the student or improve the behavior. Thank you for your help!
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