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Smiley74 last won the day on May 28 2023

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  1. Maybe this isn’t a specific IDEA issue, but, absent health emergencies, can (not should) a school deliver health services in private? Should school perform non emergent pulse ox and chest examination in public view of other students (on a sidewalk outside school) or in privacy of the nurses office or other private area?
  2. Is pre-determination only a thing with IEPs or does it also apply to 504s?
  3. I think the District is trying to be difficult and claim requirements that aren’t required to be proven for other students. It almost make me want to draw up a state complaint just so they are forced to go into other files and see the requirement to quantify minutes has never been required of any other student. The teacher barely sees the misbehaving on in the classroom so I have no idea how on earth the teacher can say they notice or don’t notice educational impact. The impact would all be student reported for things like focus and emotion.
  4. School is asking that the educational impact of a disability be quantified in terms of minutes (ex can’t focus for 15 minutes after episode). Two questions -is this a reasonable ask to quantify with specifics ? -what is the “rule “ or “standard” that needs to be applied when proving educational impact?
  5. I am pretty sure one reason is because the teacher is not doing the accommodation for “frequent check-in to assess for on task behavior” as the student is frequently left to work independently.
  6. Is there a cheat sheet of when a 504 complaint is a state dept of ed complaint versus federal OCR complaint?
  7. I’m pretty sure there’s only one student in a like ability peer group that has a specific academic accommodation, but the accommodation is being applied to the entire group (chunking). It doesn’t bother me that the entire group gets a weekly assignment as part of chunking, but teacher says only the student with the 504 is the one who often comes unprepared not having completed the work before the group meets. My gut say the chunking for the student with the 504 should then be different than the general education experience, but school is disagreeing because they say they are chunking (they could give monthly to do or longer check points)
  8. Child is 10 and really bad at self advocacy. Teacher had the document just didn’t follow it. Score absolutely would’ve been at mastery had the environment been appropriate. My kid usually takes pretests in the afternoon while this particular teacher has planning time, but on this occasion to the pretest with the rest of the class for some unknown reason. The tapping of others pencils, others whispering, etc are distractions not present in the 504 environment
  9. School acknowledged they didn’t follow the 504 when administering a pretest which then caused the child to sit through instruction that was not appropriate (child should have received alternate higher level work when mastery was demonstrated). School asked me what they could do, but I’m drawing a blank. The next unit is already in progress and enough time has been wasted so I don’t want the higher level packet to be given after the fact (it likely wasn’t that meaningful anyway). Is there anything appropriate the District should be doing as a result of not following the 504 that could make up for having to sit though a week’s worth of instruction not at my child’s level?
  10. I already did, but there were assessments and other classwork that had been administered without accommodations so I’m trying to figure out if there was anything that compelled the District to implement the 504 with just text that said “I agree”.
  11. But can they not provide them specifically because I didn’t check the box and instead wrote “I agree with the above, but…” and checked the Informal conference because I wanted a conference? I know they could’ve and that would’ve been the right thing to do, but they seem hell bent on not giving anything they don’t absolutely HAVE to. Is there anything in IDEA or Pa code that says if I write I agree they need to provide?
  12. I returned a 504 draft from checking the informal conference box and noting this in text, "I agree to the above accommodations, but believe they are not wholly inclusive of her necessary accommodations and those currently being provided to her during the school day." School is still calling it a draft, saying I didn't agree because i didn't check the I agree to proceed box, but I literally wrote 'I agree to the above" and signed the document. Is the document still a draft and can't be implemented and shared with the team until I check the I agree box?
  13. Yes they discontinued the IEP. proposed 504 is still garbage. A lot of items I am asking to be in there they won’t because they say teacher is doing it. I work on the “hit by a bus” logic that it’s super if one classroom teacher is doing XYZ today because that’s how he manages the classroom, but he could be hit by a bus at any point so XYZ needs to be put into the 504 as an accommodation. And school is concerned about the length which with multiple add I’m not sure how accommodations can always boil down to less than 10.
  14. Yes I’m in PA. School tells me because the IEP ended in May (where the accommodations were embedded because IEP is king) that means so did 504 accommodations and an initial new 504. They checked off initial plan and not modified plan on the 504 draft paperwork. School doesn’t dispute her 504 status, but just says she has she has no accommodations in place because I don’t sign in agreement to the draft in May (because he wrote it as her needing to self advocate to get accommodations).
  15. I just came from a school meeting on another topic where the teacher informed me the 504 plan is expired because I did not sign it in May 2023 revision. I did not sign it because it was a crappy unilaterally driven plan from the principal which stripped away any remotely helpful accommodation and rephrased everything to have either a 9-year-old ask for the accommodation herself, or for it to only be administered if it was convenient for the teacher. It is not the initial 504 plan it was just an update, because IEP was being terminated, so the 504 and GIEP pieces needed to be split out into their own separate documents.
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