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Everything posted by Smiley74

  1. I tried searching the Facebook archive, but couldn’t get the right text string without a ton of not the right results. In creating a 504 (or even IEP), if school says they see no impact (child is gifted and receives a good bit of enrichment so on level work isn’t challenging and those grades are just fine) and school also sees no evidence of the disability (because the kid masks and then explodes at home), is there anything specifically in section 504 that says a school must provide accommodations to minimize the triggering activities within the school building?
  2. You do a Right to Know (FOIA request) for budget and spending. You can ask for whatever you want in financials. List of checks, invoices, spending and budget by line item (out of district tuition, legal fees, etc ) by month, etc. Names will be redacted on invoices. You can also do a RTK for the ODR cases that are no longer there and you’ll get a little bit of insight as to why in the list you get. I just received my response from this request last week— You requested records relating to OCR complaints filed for the following school districts including the name of the recipient; the date complaint was filed; the type of discrimination included in the complaint; the date the complaint was resolved, withdrawn, dismissed, or other; the basic reasons for OCR's decision; or other related information between 1/1/2005 and 3/30/2023.
  3. School didn't seem to do the right testing without my input so the evaluation report they issued on day 60 (which says no need for IEP) doesn't address the concerns fully. Even though I handed them a private evaluation which recommended they do an OT evaluation, the OT evaluation school did had nothing to do with the concerns presented in the private report.
  4. Mu child is under an evaluation request. I believe the 60d ends today or tomorrow. School just sent me a request for parent input. I need more time than a few hours to write a thoughtful response to be included. Is my timeline impacted by providing input after day 60?
  5. The District is fully aware I disagree with the IEP removal as I had provided a parent note to be added into the PLEP section noting we were awaiting private assessment results and I was ok going down to 30m every other week from 30m weekly as disused as an option early May 2022 with SLP instead of what District put as full exit from service in IEP presented later that month. The District continued to provide her speech and I just received a progress reports for the third quarter saying she is maintaining in the speech environment. They issued another NOREP early 2023 (and speech session has been had since) as well exiting from speech, but there was a PTE which covered a different speech area. I didn’t sign that either because I was trying to avoid a ton of meetings until all testing was done. No clue why they think I was in mutual agreement on 504 accommodations as I asked for accommodations they said no to and they wouldn’t put in all recommendations from private evaluators. I scrutinize their implementation all the time, but was informed via email I’m no longer allowed to tell them things like the environment free of distractions to the greatest extent possible was actually found to be pretty noisy and distracting. I just got a late day email and now I am being requested to identify which accommodations would not be being provided in the regular ed PSSA testing environment…I know of no other parent in the building who has been asked to make this justification.
  6. Side note-I never returned with due process checked. I just didn't sign and didn't return. Had a couple of post meetings with the Special Ed Director directly and some changes were made regarding school day schedules and then those changes were removed by the principal.
  7. There was never a discussion of PSSAs at any of the meetings we have had on the IEP (which they currently want to exit out of and issued a NOREP for, but are back under a RR for something else which could still result in another speech need). Opt-out kids would be out half day and then go back in the afternoon. Other building students with just 504 are being offered wat's in their 504-read aloud, etc.
  8. I have not signed the IEP because I disagreed with it. During that meeting the District did unilaterally remove one 504 accommodation as well. The box for PSSA not in this grade level is checked and the boxes for the specific subject PSSA accommodations were left unchecked. I’m pretty confident the LEA would not do a no meet revision to add PSSA accommodations as they start Monday. I put in a call to Consult Line yesterday, but haven’t been called back yet and knowing my timeline was kind of urgent with testing starting, I also posted here. I’m dealing with implementation issues on local assessments so in a other email thread I was told today, “The accommodations that are in place were mutually determined and agreed upon, at the time of our team meeting. The manner in which those accommodations are implemented are not up for debate nor scrutiny.” I have had ongoing issues all year with the poor implementation of accommodations for local testing, but I feel like I was told today that I don’t get to express my disagreement over implementation. As for the PSSA, my biggest annoyance is that my kid would have to be home with me if opted out while testing happens at school for the five days.
  9. I emailed school to co firm PSSA accommodations as per 504 plan. This is what I got. I haven’t signed the speech IEP annual (not initial placement) and child is currently under another evaluation for different needs unrelated to articulation. 504 has been in place for several years and was unilaterally changed by District back in August, but still has other accommodations included beyond the quiet environment. So my question is does a non signed non initial IEP which contains the 504 accommodations become completely null?? ———- Unfortunately you have been unable to provide a date and time, at the District's request, to attend a meeting in order to address updating X’s recommended placement and to modify any individualized accompanying documents/plans . Her most recent IEP was completed when she was not in a grade level for PSSA testing. As a result, X will participate in testing in her regular education classroom setting. As with all students she will be provided extended time, and provided breaks as needed. The classroom environment is designed to be a conducive testing setting with minimal distractions, as all students are participating in the testing. She will be proctored by teacher Y.
  10. While the determination is made for a 504 or IEP school has told a friend child can’t be in school due to medical issue unless they have a physician note on file documenting the condition (or at least providing the explanatory it) do an action plan can presumably be developed. Family is working to get the note, but pediatrician has asked for specialist consults because they don’t want to jump to quick Dx without ruling out other things just in case. In the meantime school has declared with no doctor note on file, student is a liability and just needs to stay home, but they won’t provide homebound (which required Dr. note) or even live streaming in the meantime (because it’s not a covid issue). Is this denial of FAPE?
  11. I’m at a loss. What options do I have when the behaviors of other students in the class impact the diagnosis of my kid (worsen anxiety)? It’s mostly disruptive behaviors of other kids as opposed to safety concerns.
  12. Fourth grade.
  13. What educational impact would/could be seen/linked to LPT3 subtest scores indicating difficulties in the areas of categorization and generating attributes of common nouns? Also demonstrated slow processing speed throughout the assessment for formal and informal activities.
  14. I really didn’t know what forum topic to put this under, but since children with disabilities may become parents with disabilities, who in turn then have their own children, who may have disabilities and IEPs, I put my question here. Is the IEP and 504 process completely focused around the student? What if the parent needs some sort of accommodation in the development or execution of the child’s plan? Maybe it’s written only communication because of a hearing issue or more frequent progress communication due to anxiety?
  15. What is the Pennsylvania threshold for discrepancy qualification for school speech services? Can the discrepancy be in only a subtest area or does it have to be an overall discrepancy? Is there some sort of equivalent age norm discrepancy in additional to standard deviations or percentile threshold? I was given the age norm discrepancy in terms of being over two years below child’s actual age.
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