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  1. I created a form for him to fill out every day after school. Made a bunch of copes and put them in a tiny 3 ring binder (hard back). This stays at home and next to our kitchen table. Front of it has an expectations page. Every day he comes home from school and can not pass “go” without filling it out. Because I know he could just put “nothing” and walk away . . . 1. Sit at kitchen table. 2. Use chromebook and check “assignments” and “grades” for every class in Canvas 3. Check school email 4. check personal email 5. check phone calendar - This is done when you arrive home, before you recluse into your room, watch tv, etc. - you can complete items you listed then or after you recluse to your room, etc. Lie or not be forthcoming and there will be circumstances. 1. no screens the day I figure it out. 2. I’ll sit and do it with you for a week Do this daily and 1. I don’t have to ask you as many questions 2. It’ll help you develop a good habit for post-secondary 3. $4/ day paid to you on Fridays for every day it’s done. S- science T - theatre E - English C - (I don’t remember) First photo is nonsense example. Second shows mom stepping in. Didn’t implement start of this year and he’s about to be in a hole again.
  2. Im my experience as a parent I have often wondered why a history of PLP isn’t maintained on the IEP. Here’s some guidance on how to get and keep it in there.: https://www.nseai.org/blog/advocacy-parent-iep-concerns-parent-letter-of-attachment I’d suggest you reduce it down from its full text for the “historical report” you’d like to maintain and attach.
  3. Did the school provide a letter or prior written notice stating why he does not qualify for an IEP? If not, send an email asking for specificity.
  4. Dear Parent, Realizing your previous experience with a different school we want to ensure we do everything possible to move forward in a team fashion. Of course I am available to answer questions and help, but my preference would be that you allow our SE team to take the lead on johnnie’s case. This will allow them an opportunity to provide their specialty services and gain johnnie and your trust. If after three months you remain uncomfortable, we can readdress. Another option would be for me to get johnnie started on the right foot this school year and then do a handover to the SE department at the end of the X quarter. My experience thus far has me leaning to option one, but I take parent preference to heart when I’m able. Let me know your thoughts.
  5. Son has an IEP that addresses executive functioning and writing with pretty much the same three goals for 3+ years. He was not provided any services during his freshman year (Covid), sophomore year turned out to be a bust (special Ed teacher essentially was lying on progress updates). We have finally advanced in this his junior year! While credit is due to his school for writing advancements, his EF (organization) skills advanced only because I finally figured out something that works for him. However, he’s still not in a place where he will be ready for post-secondary education next year. Had the services been provided as they should have been, he likely would have been ready. At this late stage of the game, I can think of no compensatory services that could help him. He just needs time, which we are nearly out of and his advancement in life is forever delayed. I’m not one to seek monetary damages for “life happens” events. But I find myself wondering if a monetary award is due to him. My research finds money being reimbursed for tutors and counseling attained, but nothing about when it’s too late to recover for services lost/not provided. Thoughts? Ideas? Feedback?
  6. You most certainly are not alone! My HS son is twice exceptional. It’s a term that not many are aware of. Because he presents as “typical” and has good grades, it’s a double whammy! We moved to a different state in middle school. All the new district sees is that he’s gone from 15 hrs of services in Kindy to 15 min in HS. So they’ve done their part! NO, YOU HAVE NOT! If they would have actually provided those 15 min per week of one on one, he would have soared even higher! So here we are looking at post-HS options and he’s scared he can’t make it in college. And frankly, I am too. While my circumstances may not be as concerning as yours, I too find myself wallowing and searching for help. I however, am blessed that his father (my husband) also sees the issues that remain.
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