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  1. my email and response from the director of sped- they still aren't getting it!!! I again requested prior written notice, per sec. 303.421 of IDEA, stating the proposal of 100 minutes in the classroom and 160 minutes of classroom was refused as well as the reasons for that refusal, including what evaluation data was used to determine the refusal. The prior written notice used in CCSD21 is the notification of conference and providing the evaluation report three days prior to the initial evaluation IEP. We do not send home a services and placement page. The services and placement are a conversation in the IEP meeting.
  2. I spoke with the director of special education at my daughter's district today about how I was treated at her IEP meeting. I told her I requested prior written notice with an explanation of why my proposal was refused and she said "how could we provide prior notice before the meeting was held?" I said prior means before a change is implemented or refused, and she said "ok..." I said "I can send you the language from IDEA if that helps". She didn't like that suggestion...
  3. Thank you, Carolyn. I am planning on filing a complaint with the state regarding my participation in the meeting, I’m waiting to receive the paperwork, I requested language be put in regarding the flow of the meeting, before I make my complaint so I can have evidence. My daughters private SLP was present as well and has said she will help support my complaint as well.
  4. I was in an IEP meeting yesterday for my daughter, it was the most contentious IEP meeting I have ever been in and I am also a practicing school psychologist. The district was not at all interested in having a discussion surrounding my proposal, and rather said they disagree, let's talk about mediation and due process. In my opinion, due process should be an absolute last resort and there should be thorough discussion of the matter prior to getting to that point. Every time they brought it up, which was multiple times, I kept saying "can't we discuss this further", and then would just continue on. Ultimately, I was able to prevail and get close to the minutes I was requesting but they were so quick to go to due process, I was shocked. As a school psychologist I will do everything in my power to work with families and resolve our disagreements, and I feel like my daughters district was using it as a threat to me instead. Has anyone ever had a similar situation?
  5. I requested an increase in my daughter's speech minutes based on best practice for her specific disability (apraxia) and was told no. I requested prior written notice for them to state why they made that determination. Is there a timeline they need to follow to get me PWN? I'm in Illinois.
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