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  1. I feel like this should be a simple answer, but I'm not finding one. My son got his first IEP in January 2022. We had our annual meeting in January 2023 and have been going back and forth via email since then. I haven't signed the revised IEP yet. One of the issues I emailed the SPED director about is that I am now noticing some issues with some of his goals from last year. These are goals that were in his IEP last year but have not been met yet. Is there a way to make changes to them now despite them being last year's goals? For example, on one goal there is no one listed in the "Person(s) Responsible" spot. Seems like an important bit of information and I'd like it to be specified in the goal. Another is that I'm noticing that they aren't nearly specific enough. Like, one of them relates to him remaining calm in certain situations, but there is no mention of what will be done to reach this goal. I would really like that to be specified, especially since the goal has not been met and I have no evidence that anyone is actually doing anything to help him achieve it. The SPED director is telling me that since it was signed last year it is set in stone. Surely there must be SOME way of addressing these inadequacies in the goals, especially as they are still being worked on. This seems silly. What am I missing here?
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