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  1. I’m transferring states with an IEP that works already in place. In VA, my son is in an inclusion classroom with the general education teacher and special education teacher with 30 minute pull outs for math daily and 15 minutes for ELA with the same SPED teacher in his classroom. We are moving to WV and I have a parent meeting tomorrow with the principal to discuss placement. I obviously want as close to this placement as possible however I don’t think they offer inclusion classrooms. I do not want him in a separate resource room as that would violate his right to LRE but the vibe I got from the initial meet was that was their go-to and that’s not going to fly. Has anyone else been in similar situations? Can anyone think of alternative placements for an inclusion room if they don’t offer it? My brain goes mama bear for my own kids and I don’t think straight.
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