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Mommytina last won the day on May 1 2024

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  1. I love all of this I’m actually a member in Dr. Mona’s monthly membership group. I also wanted to share an app a lot of people are not aware of it’s free and it’s to help with Ross Greene’s work I always forget the name iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/lens-changer-new/id1569130814 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.livesinthebalance.lenschangers
  2. It’s never taken me so long to figure out how to post on this site. Thank goodness I finally can. I have tried emailing Lisa a couple times but I know she gets a ton of emails every day. I need help, my son is in kindergarten, he has cerebral palsy, he has an IEP and gets PT. Thursday the team met and the principal told me my son wouldn’t be allowed in 1st grade if not potty trained without a drs note. Also the playground is not accessible. It definitely sounded like a threat about the potty training. There is a lot more details but I know I share too much so please someone tell me possible nexts steps. I’m in Massachusetts thank you, tina
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