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Kendra mackenzie

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Posts posted by Kendra mackenzie

  1. On 10/25/2022 at 10:39 PM, Christy McGuire said:

    Hi! In my state, public school does not help with Dyslexia for homeschoolers. I would verify that your state is different before I put too much more effort into testing.  There are several good programs that are available that you could use in your homeschooling. Heggerty, Logic of English, All about Reading, Sunday are some that are popular in the Homeschool community and often work well.

    Thank you Christy McGuire. I am using equipped for reading success and toe by toe. I just started stride ahead. My school says they are going to offer tutoring services for English language arts and They still don't believe she needs district reading services but they will they will help with reading comprehension at this point. I will take what ever I can get 😌 

  2. On 12/9/2022 at 1:04 PM, Carolyn Rowlett said:

    Not if the child has a disability and needs specially designed instruction.  Excessive absences trigger the "Child Find" obligation under the IDEA no matter the circumstances of the child - wards of the state, homeless, etc. - which includes those missing school regularly.  Because the excessive absences may be attributed to a disability, the school district should try to determine the underlying cause.  An evaluation should be conducted and if the child is found eligible, s/he should receive special education services no matter how many absences are recorded.  There is an IDEA regulation (300.306(b)(1)) that lists "lack of appropriate instruction" as a reason to find a child ineligible.  However, this "lack of instructions" should not be interpreted by school districts to mean a lack of instruction due to the child's absences.  It is for situations in which a school is not providing sufficient instructions OVERALL and the reason the child is behind is due to this - not due to a disability.  A child with a disability and the need for specially designed instruction should receive special education services - without regard to absences.

    I  would think this to there has to be a reason the excessive absent 

  3. On 10/21/2022 at 10:32 PM, Kendra mackenzie said:

    How do I know if my high schooler really needs help with reading the school said no because gort5 was at about a 16 percentile to 14 percentile  wiat4  pseudo decoding was like 21 percentile. But word reading fluency and reading comprehension was below 7th percentile wiat4 said the reading level was at about the 4th or 5th grade level. I  do think most of the problems are with fluency and comprehension but should the school have provided a specialized reading program for this. It's just so hard to know with out being able to afford a advocate or anything. 

    I forgot to mention that I am homeschooling and I am using equipped for reading success and toe by toe I am hoping to start stride ahead I just don't know if the school should do something because she does have an iep 

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, CRC said:

    Hi Kendra. Did the school do a full special education evaluation? Or did they just give him a couple of reading tests to measure his reading levels? If they did not do a full evaluation, then I would start by asking for a full special education evaluation for SLD. If they did do a full special education evaluation they should've  done other tests as well that tested the underlying cognitive processes that are involved in helping us learn to read. Let me know. I will be happy to help you understand the data (if there is more), or to get you started on requesting a full special education evaluation. 

    I think it was a full evaluation they did speech and language testing gort5 wiat4 and the wisc5 she does have a dyslexia diagnosis and was recommended Wilson or og a few years ago but the school didn't agree but she hasn't made progress maybe if you want to help me look at the testing. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Kendra mackenzie said:

    Thank you I am trying to get an IEE but they won't do a neuropsych just the educational testing I am having a hard time finding someone who takes my insurance and state rate. She does have a dyslexia diagnosis and was recommended for Wilson or og. But the school didn't agree I will ask about RTI but I am homeschooling. So I am not sure if I qualify 



  6. 10 hours ago, JSD24 said:

    Many school psychologists are not trained to identify reading problems and, unfortunately, they are the people who do evaluations for sp ed.  Layer on top of this that the "skills" teachers teach in the early grades are the things non-readers do to mask their reading disability which will make it harder to figure out who is disabled.  In your shoes, I would request an IEE done by someone trained to identify a reading issues that includes dyslexia.  Any person in the 7th percentile for  word reading fluency and comprehension, IMO, needs more testing to see why that component is so low.  One test cannot be used to say a student is dyslexic so there should be a deeper dive when you see scores like this.  https://adayinourshoes.com/iee-independent-education-evaluation/  You will probably need a neuropsychologist to do the IEE.

    One thing you can request in the short term is RTI or MTSS in reading.  This is a gen ed program and given your child's low scores, they should meet the criteria for this sort of help even though the school's eval said IEP level of intervention isn't needed.

    Thank you I am trying to get an IEE but they won't do a neuropsych just the educational testing I am having a hard time finding someone who takes my insurance and state rate. She does have a dyslexia diagnosis and was recommended for Wilson or og.I will ask about RTI but I am homeschooling. 

  7. How do I know if my high schooler really needs help with reading the school said no because gort5 was at about a 16 percentile to 14 percentile  wiat4  pseudo decoding was like 21 percentile. But word reading fluency and reading comprehension was below 7th percentile wiat4 said the reading level was at about the 4th or 5th grade level. I  do think most of the problems are with fluency and comprehension but should the school have provided a specialized reading program for this. It's just so hard to know with out being able to afford a advocate or anything. 

  8. On 10/11/2022 at 11:21 PM, Christy McGuire said:

    The article really resonates for me. What else do you think people don't realize about raising kids with Dyslexia etc?



    Some things I would add are 

    1 dyslexia doesn't just end at the end of the school day. It can effect other areas of life like talking to friends processing directions. 

    2 dyslexia does not just mean a complete inability to read even when they learn how to read they may still have trouble reading they may have read something more than once to understand they may only be able read things of high interest to them. They my have trouble understanding complicated text. 

    3 it can be emotional exhausting at times 

    • Like 3
  9. On 10/11/2022 at 1:21 PM, dfilaski said:

    Of course you are entitled to an advocate.  Your child is entitled to FAPE and the school obligation to provide it is required under the law . The school has no choice. The HSDL has information that you can use to help guide you and for talking back points. Home school children can not be forced into public school to receive FAPE .. There are time they will want to provide service in school on a individual bias  but that can not always force that either. Child find and all the testing applies absolutely they cant force you to prove it     https://hslda.org/search?indexCatalogue=content-search-index&searchQuery=Special Education


    Hi thank you I will try to look up hslda.org to see if they can help. Was told by a lawyer that they couldn't represent me because these could not garintee fape if I homeschool my kid is in the 11th grade. I am honestly not sure if it's too late to ask for any help 

  10. Can you have an advocate while homeschooling. I had a lawyer that was going to work pro bonda but the couldn't take my case because I am homeschooling and the school can't garintee fape. I understand that privet school don't have to fallow iep and homeschooling can be considered private school but how would this fall under child fine if fape can't be given. Are there any free or low costs advocates in Massachusetts 

  11. 23 hours ago, JSD24 said:

    What does your child want to do after HS graduation?  Work, more schooling?  Does the IEP prepare your child for this?  For example, if your child gets extra time for tests and wants to go to college, this is an accommodation they can get on SAT/ACT as well as on tests in college.  I'm not sure with a homeschooler, who applies to the testing companies for any accommodations.  In a public school, the guidance dept tends to do this.

    My teen says she doesn't know and isn't ready to think about it I think she might want to go to college but she doesn't know what she wants to do I am trying to encourage her to look at community College so that way she can get an idea of what she wants plus I don't think they have to take Sat to get in to community College. 

  12. On 10/7/2022 at 6:00 AM, Lisa Lightner said:

    Then yes, she should have a transition plan and all the appropriate evals that go with transition time.



    Thank you Lisa so I see that


    On 10/7/2022 at 6:00 AM, Lisa Lightner said:

    Then yes, she should have a transition plan and all the appropriate evals that go with transition time.



    So I see that I would have to ask for the transition evaluation I thought they would have done it if they thought she needed it she was last evaluated in 9th grade so I think she will be ready this year 11th grade or next 12th grade but will that be too late for the evaluation 

  13. Yes it's true homeschooling we are eligible for services. She has an active iep I was just wondering if the transition plan should be updated should there be any goals  related to transition plan's. I also hear about a transition evaluation is this different from or in addition to the normal tri annual evaluation. 

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