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Elemeno last won the day on April 18 2024

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  1. I think the parent training on some time-keeping skills is the best way to go. It sounds like the team is doing the other pre-reminders and reminders already.
  2. I can't see why she still wouldn't be able to get that IEE, though it will take a lot of people jumping back on the ball. I would send a written communication about the missed eval.
  3. Yes, part of RTI. The parents are the sort who are hesitant about getting an IEP, hence why they haven't pushed it further.
  4. I am asking this on the behalf of my sibling who is a general education teacher. She has a student who is very aggressive, mercurial, and is completely unable to keep up with the rest of the class. So, the student has been observed and data is being collected. Here's the thing: this started at the beginning of last school year. Yes, it's been a year and a half of data collection. The kid clearly needs more help than the standard classroom, but the district keeps saying "we'll see, try this intervention and we'll check back". Parents are frustrated (but are also hesitant of going further) and the teachers are frustrated and a classmate gets punched/kicked every week, practically. I feel like this is going beyond the mark of data collection at this point.
  5. Definitely sounds like retaliation. If I read your post correctly, it sounds like there is currently no existing current IEP?
  6. What makes it tricky? At the end of the day they follow the exact same laws.
  7. She wants to do her own program. Our state has very lax homeschool rules.
  8. I think this may be a situation that will wind up as it will be, but I am working with a parent (actually, a grandparent with custody) who is sadly trying to get her grandchild as little help as possible. She is at war with the school right now. She has an older child who is in a reduced day situation with mainly extracurriculuars in addition to a life skills class. The younger one, the child in question, is at a different stage and seems very capable of being at least in a resource program. Grandma insists the general ed material is too hard and wants what the older child has. We have the data. Grandma doesn't care and is so far planning to homeschool instead. Our state does have an educational neglect law, but I'm not entirely sure how that is defined.
  9. The state is Idaho. Compulsory age for school is 7, though districts can start kindergarten as early as 5. I've never actually seen a state that didn't have a compulsory age that's different from kindergarten minimum. That's interesting.
  10. No extreme safety issue, more of educational concerns. Parents want a guaranteed 1:1 first.
  11. Grade: kindergarten. This family is refusing to take their child to school until an IEP is in place. The child has about another month before they are required by age to be in school, but the worry is by then the kid will have missed a lot of introduction to school. School is honestly trying to get all the testing and evaluation done as fast as they can, but parents' schedule are impacting the ability to get to evaluations. For how long can an IEP be used as a reason not to attend school?
  12. Elemeno

    Brain Breaks

    Honestly, I think just assuming the special education team would limit Chromebook use is a rather big assumption akin to mind-reading, no offense. The fact is a lot of parents highly promote screens and computer use, with the best of intentions (it's soothing, a great way for their child to interact, etc.) So I wouldn't read too much into it and just go forward with a notice you want limited Chromebook time.
  13. The way you wrote this makes it sound even more ridiculous as an accommodation., so thanks for pointing that out. Pure basic extra reading time without any real extra help isn't going to do much. Oh, it might help later down the road where it's appropriate to need extra time to read to learn about XYZ subject, but not when we're needing some specific reading instruction.
  14. I must preface this with some background. A local elementary school is getting upgraded. As in, it has been torn and is currently being rebuilt. The students were bused to a few other schools in the district. Torn-Down school was situated in such a way in the community that it did not require a bussing program. Now, a neighbor of mine is in a pickle. Her background: her child is in special education, and she preferred the program at another school, to be called School B, not the aforementioned torn-down school that her child is assigned to. I believe there was some IEP agreement to this, but it seems it was mostly her choice to fight for a boundary exemption. Because our Torn-Down school does not have a bussing program and because this is typical for boundary exemptions in our area, the onus was on Neighbor to handle transportation. This was all well and good until her husband's work schedule changed. He was the one dropping off and picking up the student, but now is on a different shift... and Neighbor doesn't have a car. It's about a forty-minute walk to School B, across a busy highway. Now, School B here is in fact one of the aforementioned schools taking in students. Neighbor hoped that she could just have her student take that bus, but apparently the school district's perspective is that the bus is for Torn-Down School's students, which Neighbor's kid is not among them. So, the pickle. She can't get reliably or safely get her kid to school, but doesn't want to lose access to this school (her child is not in the grade bands that go to School B). She has also for whatever reason has been hesitant to call an IEP meeting about this. Is this something an IEP meeting could help with or will this likely ultimately end up with "you wanted the boundary exemption, figure it out"?
  15. With a cursory search I still can't find just what Massachusetts' law on toilet training is, but it's likely in your best interest to get the doctor's note. A lot of states have buckled down on students, with no active documentation on medical/development issues with toilet training, being ready in that regard for school.
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