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Everything posted by catmom3

  1. Currently in 4th grade going onto 5th. Teacher was listed on Notice of Meeting. Teacher has pictures of the screen where it shows she waited to be let in with time stamps. She absolutely had evidence showing hes doing better in a private school setting. Said private school is strictly for kids w learning differences and being paid for by the district due to violations committed in the past. I strongly believe it was purposely done to leave me alone in the meeting and not have a representative provide proof of how much better he's doing at this new school.
  2. Had my IEP meeting and my kiddo's teacher was not let in via Google meet to the IEP meeting. It's unethical but is it legal? Any reason why they wouldn't want her there?
  3. My son has done a total of 21 assessments (16 himself, 5 parent/teacher questionnaire). This is 5 more assessments than last school year (first year of IEP). Because the school he used to attend committed a ton of violations, I'm a bit concerned they're trying to pull something shady. Thanks in advance!
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