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  1. Our kiddo has an eligibility of ED. A couple of weeks ago I was told he became frustrated in a general education class and walked out of the class and pushed two students. I asked for a copy of the document for the incident and was told due to FERPA (Dean of Students) that she didn't think I could have a copy because the other students name was on the document. I asked her to redact those names and then send me a copy. It did not happen. She said that his behavior was not a manifestation of his disability (there was no manifestation determination meeting). The school staff met on the day of the incident to discuss a solution and decided that an accommodation of an aide should be used as a one on one, with him in the general education to help him stay focused and hopefully avoid future frustrations. She said that they were looking at moving him to the special education classroom if the aide didn't work. She said his behavior disrupted the classroom and this disruption interfered with the other kids ability to access their education in the classroom. Our kiddo describes the incident differently, but I don't have a copy of the document describing the incident even though I asked for it. Can they change his placement without a manifestation determination meeting? How long after an incident does the school have to hold a manifestation determination meeting? It's been almost 3 weeks since the incident. Our kiddo is a teenager and I would want his input at the manifestation meeting however he has a challenges with his working memory and therefore won't remember all the details. All I have is the say-so of a school staff member who won't provide the documentation provided by the teacher who reported it. I would think that for a kid with ED who has a history of behavior issues, that a manifestation determination meeting would determine that it was part of his disability. I will say that since his last eval he has been diagnosed with ASD/ADD. ASD was noted on an IEP amendment (not as an eligibility, just a comment) a couple of years ago, but the ASD comment no longer appears anywhere on his IEP and the school doesn't know how that happened. I apologize for the long post; I just want to make sure I've anticipated any questions that might come up. Thanks in advance. Your input is much appreciated.
  2. I know that a PWN is important, however I am not clear if the parent has to request it when submitting a Parent Concern / Evaluation request? Or does the school automatically send it to the parent after reviewing the Parent Concert letter? Or does the parent submit a copy of their state's PWN form with their Parent Concern letter and ask the school to complete it? I've done quite a bit of searching and this piece is not clear. Thank you.
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