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Everything posted by Teo

  1. Thank you so much! This is very helpful. I am going to reread it when I'm not in middle of dinner prep, corralling etc., but wanted to let you know I appreciate it! I was having trouble articulating what you said because the sped person keeps trying to gaslight me and she's so belligerent that I spend most of the meetings trying not to lose it on her and that takes up a lot of mental space and energy so I'm not as productive as I should be. I also feel like this is someone you need to try get around by going in the back door... I usually don't do that but she's not reasonable. She was brought in by the principal who was actually asked to leave at the end of last year because he was so ridiculous. I'm not sure why people aren't seeing her ridiculousness. Ok, sorry for my divergence. Thanks again!
  2. I rejected it and wrote that it makes no sense and I wanted a 'stay put' but I feel like the last goal wasn't specific enough either. And, I've never been shown any collected data. Standardized test results have in fact showed issues with paragraph writing (currently 7th grade). She struggles in math too. The Charter sped person keeps saying their data shows no academic problems. I have trouble interacting with this sped chair because of her belligerence so I hired an advocate but the advocate was way off base and said practically nothing in the meeting except to try to make my daughter sound way worse than she actually is (there was a history school avoidance). My daughter actually is doing relatively well at the small size school but she still needs support especially since she will be at our large size public HS after next year.
  3. Yes the law is the same but there has not been good communication or coordination between the district and the Charter (they are in different districts) and the Charter school hasn't been very compliant or willing and they keep trying to minimize services. The latest IEP academic goal was rewritten from a writing/EF goal to a "Self Help" goal that states "will independently start assignments within 5 (then 3 then 2) minutes of receiving instructions in ? tasks with minimal prompting from the teacher."
  4. It's complicated so needs personal conversation.
  5. Hello, I'm not sure if this is allowed but I need help rewriting IEP goals for my daughter and in return, I am happy to provide help with interpreting neuropsych or school psych testing. It's a somewhat tricky situation in part because she's at a public Charter school. I do not want to hire an advocate nor can we afford one as we recently paid a $5k retainer for one and it was a disaster. I have a lot of background knowledge and just want someone (who isn't so emotionally involved to help me rewrite goals and give tips for dealing with a sped director who keeps trying to take my daughter off an IEP and reduce her goals and instructional time. I am in NH. TIA
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