I am helping parents of a 2nd grade boy who has been on an IEP since the beginning of this school year. He has intense sensory issues especially noise and touch. He screams, bites, destroys property and on occasion will elope, but at the same time very likable. He is being evaluated for autism. His aggression has caused some injury. He has had a FB and a BIP. He is getting services at school from a Behavior Therapist and Occupational Therapist. He is on medication. There was an incident that triggered a manifestation determination and it was determined that it was related to his disability and then a short time later another incident occurred and the school decided to place him on half days. This was not determined at an IEP meeting. The Principal presented a document to her in the parking lot and the frustrated parent signed it on the hood of her car. The Principal did suggest she take it home and think about it, but she signed it anyway. We know that this decision for shortened days must be made at an IEP meeting. The primary questions is, what is the responsibility of the school when the child is home all afternoon with no direction or guidance? Parents both work so it is a nightmare for them.